"For the body is a domestic animal. Therefore, you must go about perfecting yourself."
Jesus the Christ in The Book of Thomas the Contender
Ten years of undiagnosed Lyme disease was what triggered me to dig deep into information regarding health. This deep dive had me going down so many rabbit holes as I was hell bent on curing myself; I definitely was not getting any solutions from doctors and specialists. The good news is I found the information that launched me in the right direction. However, what I inadvertently discovered caused me so much cognitive dissonance that at times my mental well-being was in jeopardy.
Wanting to know more, I kept searching until I arrived upon the shocking information about vaccines. They too had been weaponized. Dr. Garth Nicolson, with his electron microscopy, proved it. That was the solid-enough evidence needed to shock me to my core. It was then that I truly grasped what was going on. Our species was being taken out slowly with bio-weapons and most of us have had no clue. "But why?" I pondered. And of course, I wanted to know about those who were responsible.
Determined to disrupt this stealth subversion of humankind I first went about informing family and friends. That turned out to be another eye opener. Most did not even want to hear about. I then naively set about contacting some politicians, various mainstream news outlets and regulatory agencies. Except for my local politician who conveyed my concerns to the federal government, I was ignored. In response to the member of parliament's query on my behalf, I received a form letter from Health Canada rubber-stamping a dismissal of my concerns.
I am rehashing this sad tale for a reason. I have had to come to terms with the lack of conscience and critical thinking I saw along the way. Most, wrapped up with their creature comforts, had been unwilling to deal with the cognitive dissonance required to face the facts. They did not want to hear about how bioweapons are being used against us. And, I was fearful about what this indifference meant for the survival of my species.
Eventually the cold reception my concerns received extinguished the little hope I had for Homo sapiens. I was prepared to accept that some kind of "survival of the fittest" process was playing out. And that, those open to information about what was really going on would be the ones most likely to avoid the deliberate and deadly attacks on their health.
Remarkably, it was only after listening to President Trump in 2016 that I dared to allow a rekindling of my optimism. A brief mention from this president about possible links between autism and vaccines was all it took. Finally, here was someone with influence who might be able to sway the masses in the direction of self-preservation.
Sadly, it took years and then the covid scamdemic to shine a light on the vaccine damage that has been going on for decades. Now many are asking the tough questions about the who and why of this deliberate assault on our species. And remarkedly, they too are discovering where the synagogue of Satan fits in. It is as Jesus Christ warned over 2000 years ago. There was and continues to be a cabal of psychopaths interfering in the trajectory of human history.
This group consists of parasitical creatures who have a different genetic profile than normal humans. In other words, they are not us. But to fully comprehend this predicament we find ourselves in, there needs to be a recognition of our humble status. This is something the ego, in most humans, does not want to recognize. We do not like to admit that, in many ways, we are still tethered to the animal side of our human condition.
Because we peer out from behind our own eyes, each one of us is immersed in a subjective viewpoint. We have little if any awareness of how the dominating fears and desires work to distort our perceptions. Rather than scrutinize the contents of our own thinking we go about defending ourselves. This is how our defenses, intrinsic to our animal nature, actually keep us from honest self-reflection. This is how we end up thinking we are conscientious critical thinkers when obviously most are not, as evidenced during the covid years.
Recently I heard a prominent psychologist on YouTube convey a statistic pointing out the fact that only 20% of people are critical thinkers with emotional stability. And, he added that his own observations had him convinced this was true. The vast majority of the human species is not yet evolved and logical as we fancy ourselves to be. Yet, we are bombarded with messages telling us otherwise.
We are repeatedly told to think of ourselves as "spirits in meat suits" or "avatars in a matrix"; the bestial side of human nature is delegated as just about irrelevant. It is true that these descriptions about the human condition point to the perennial wisdom of the mystics. These enlightened ones had discovered within their own being an intimate connection between human consciousness and the Almighty. And, parroting what these mystics found certainly can give comfort as well as act as a guiding light for discovering our own spiritual component. But, for authentic access to the divine side of human nature there is no fast track. One must be engaged in a radical introspection of one's own self.
The individual must be willing to humble himself in order to get a glimpse at the primate staring back in a mirror; a creature who struggles to deal with a fluctuating brain chemistry. With this level of honest self-discovery the person can then see the need for a conscious cultivation of such virtues as kindness, patience and mercy. And, only then can there be an unshackling from the tendency to operate according to bestial imperatives.
Merely knowing that you are a spirit in the material world is not going to result in a true ascension. A certain psychological growth must take place within the individual. Incantations that promote a false pride will not get you there. An internal reconfiguration is necessary to liberate the human from his animal inclinations. In other words, the human primate must stir up an evolution in his consciousness if he is to have a genuine and fruitful coming together with the Almighty residing within.
Now more than ever, humankind needs to reconcile with the fact that, we as primates, exist in an organic predicament. The deadly tactics of a psychopathic intra-species pose evolutionary pressures for Homo sapiens. Either more of us evolve into conscientious critical thinkers or watch our species succumb to the evil among us. If we choose to ignore this call for our evolution, eventually our species will reach the point of no return. Then, humans just won't be around to declare how god-like we are. So, when Jesus proclaimed that the humble will inherit the earth, he didn't mean maybe.
Faithfully yours,
Sheila Banks
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Pic: Hugo Rheinhold's Philosophizing Monkey |
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