October 22, 2017


When mountains of contrary data don't force people to give up their ideas,
 then they are no longer following the scientific method. They are following an ideology.
                                                                                              Lisa Feldman Barrett - How Emotions Are Made

If ever there was a time in history that our species is called to unite, it is now. There are definitely some nefarious acts going on that threaten Homo sapiens survival. For example, our governments are refusing to look at the problem with tainted vaccines; I know this because I have tried in Canada, Bill Welsh has tried in Scotland and the microbiologist Garth Nicolson  has in the USA. Research further if you find this hard to believe.

Furthermore, our mainstream media has been compromised. One example  I can give with certainty is the coverage in North America regarding the recent oil spill in Athens, Greece. It was never mentioned here in the news. I only discovered this when viewing a video done by someone who is stationed in Greece. This is strange because in Canada we have a considerable population of Greek immigrants and others who take holidays there.

If I hadn't done the research on mycoplasma in our vaccines I would not be sounding the alarm. At first glance it looks like a massive case of human stupidity but after looking at the excellent work of guerrilla journalists posted on youtube regarding the Las Vegas shooting, California fires  and the Sandy Hook shooting I now am entertaining a different conclusion.

No one wants to believe that our elected governments and their officials are not working on our behalf. But the evidence is there for anyone with an open mind to see. There is so much turmoil in the world eating up our energy and mental health; this keeps us distracted so that we remain unconscious as to what is really going down.

Whites are told that blacks are our enemies while Christians are told that Islam is the culprit. Spain is the enemy to Catalonia's separatists; and, throughout the world one leader after another keeps stoking the fires of tribalism in one form or another. But, if the truth be told we are one species that has depended upon cooperation to get things done. In fact, it is our ability to cooperate that has enabled us to ascend the evolutionary ladder.

However, we can no longer deny where Homo sapiens is on the evolutionary ascent. We are a primate that is barely domesticated. Many have no idea that humans are animals; they actually think that our species is something greater in the scheme of things. This lack of humility in the masses is a blind spot as many tend to think that humankind is not vulnerable to extinction like other animals. After all, don't humans know it all?

And, that hubristic attitude, my peeps, leaves us susceptible to manipulation because it threatens our curiosity. Nevertheless, if we are to fight this battle for the actual survival of humankind, all of us must find in our hearts a humility; an attitude that will enable us to cooperate like never before because that is what is needed right now. I leave this with you hoping that you will do your part.

Faithfully yours,

Sheila Banks


October 10, 2017

Will God Survive Science?

Today I heard Dan Brown being interviewed on the CBC radio program "Q". He is the author who stirred up a lot of controversy with his book called The Da Vinci Code. Now he has a new one entitled Origin.

Mr. Brown commented that one of the big questions facing humanity is: "Will God survive science?"  I jolted at that question. Unexpectedly it brought to my attention, once again, how different the world seems to a mystic.

For me, it is a matter of whether religion will survive science, not God. Science is merely a tool used by human primates to get at the true nature of the reality in which we are situated. No doubt Homo sapiens has been able to use knowledge thus acquired in astounding ways. But, to entertain the idea that our species can actually escape from the Law governing our organic predicament is very revealing.

Don't you think it is about time for all of us to hold up a looking glass for honest self-inspection? We have got to stop coveting illusions about our omnipotence or face extinction. Technological advancement and character development are separate aspects of the human animal. If we dare to face the truth about our own humble position we get to see that humans are barely domesticated primates with lethal weapons.

Too many of us lack a conscious awareness of our own psychological processes. I am not saying that it is easy to escape the stranglehold of one's own subjective frame of reference. Nevertheless, an accurate assessment of one's own thoughts and actions is what is required of the human animal. And that, is what religion was meant to deal with. With this in mind we can see how far off course our religious institutions have taken us.

We have reason to be disappointed in our religious organizations. They have not been very successful at prodding Homo sapiens along the evolutionary ladder. And now, it really does look like our cognitive science has come up with some very effective tools to help the human primate turn his gaze inward so that he can deal with his inner beast.

Everything has its day. Maybe the religion we have known, and in some cases learned to distrust, has taken humanity as far as it can. But does this mean we should be throwing out the baby with the bathwater?  Can we re-purpose our religious institutions for the evolutionary task at hand?

Regardless of  the fate we choose for religion, let us refrain from imitating the folks of Genesis 11 in the Bible. In order to make a name for themselves they built the tower of Babel; and then, they watched as The Almighty made sure it crumbled to the ground.

Faithfully yours,

Sheila Banks

                                     Pic: Badhoo/Dreamstime.com

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October 5, 2017

Man's Number is the Beast's Number

I wrote this poem about 20 years ago. My fond desire is for it to be worked into a reggae classic one day. It can be found in my book entitled Thoughts From A Contemplative Beast: The Paradigm Shift For The New Millennium.      Happy Thanksgiving Canada


Sheila Banks

                                                                                                                       Pic: Localist/Dreamstime.com

 Check out my e/book click here
Insightful commentary is encouraged. Email: info@mysticbeast.com 
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