June 27, 2019

AI Served Up With Delusions of Grandeur

"For the body is a domestic animal. Therefore, you must go about perfecting yourself"
                                                                     Jesus Christ - The Book of Thomas The Contender

With all the talk about transhumanism I thought I would offer up my two cents worth.
The poem below, I wrote years ago.  Interestingly enough it applies to today's notions about the ability of artificial intelligence to transform the human primate into God. It can be found in my book entitled Thoughts From A Contemplative Beast: The Paradigm Shift For The New Millennium.

Faithfully yours,
Sheila Banks


Science you blame
for our degenerate ways.
Too much knowledge,
you say is the culprit.

How can this be?
Science is a mere tool.
Layers upon layers of delusions,
we must sift through,
to get to the Truth of the matter.

But no matter
how much fruit you eat from
the tree of knowledge,
you will always remain
a subject in the kingdom of God.


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Insightful commentary is welcome. Email: info@mysticbeast.com

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